Swan poster Edit appropriation attempt 1

Edited picture of the poster in the swan.
Edited picture of the poster in the swan.

So this is the edited photo of the poster I found in the swan. This might seem like complete nonsense but its actually based a rather popular internet meme a while back about barfing rainbows when your feeling happy. maybe not as serious as it could have turned out, if more had maybe put some more effort and thought into it, but it was very much a spur of the moment and just experimenting with the picture. In the next few pictures, there is a more coherent thought process behind them. (images of the internet meme http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=puking+rainbows+meme&view=detailv2&&id=CEC29EF3636484AB911572E4C54E05C9B202C980&selectedIndex=4&ccid=hASiZl9D&simid=608043653459150833&thid=OIP.M8404a2665f43a1a3d049e9e1448a8565H0&ajaxhist=0)

Picture of one of the posters in Swan.
Picture of one of the posters in Swan.

This is the original image of the poster unedited. i found this poster hung up on the wall in the swan, it just caught my eye at how somber it was, rather sad looking in a way, at least is what emotion i was getting from it, and immediately a few ideas hit me of how i can maybe change this photo.. more of a comedic way. but i really didnt know what this poster was trying to advertise, especially in a social area, it just seemed rather odd and depressing.

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