Triptych Final project

After the last idea didn’t turn out the way i had imagined i went back to the drawing board. With just coming off from valentines day i had the idea that i wanted to do something that tied in with the valentines day theme. I thought the perfect object to use would be roses since they are iconic with valentines and are usually relate-able to it. I first looked at some other works of triptych that involved roses. There was a lot of visual inspiration i could use for roses, like the examples below.

Triptych with Rose-1 Iborissova (2015) Pink flower. available from

The pink rose was created by a user called Iborissova and can be found on, I liked the way it showed the stages of the rose opening, from closed bud to its blossoming form. I think the image gives the viewer a sense of happiness and kindness, a light hearted feel, i wanted to be able to convey an emotion like this through the use of colour also. I also liked the way it was laid out the rose was center and lit properly.


there-were-roses-triptych-barbara-griffin Griffin, B. (2011-16) There were roses Triptych. available from


Another photographer I looked at was Barbara Griffin, who did this wonderful triptych rose artwork. I like the way the mix of colours gives a different emotion  for each image, and the colours clash and contrast with each other to make a eye catching piece of art.

With a clear idea of what i wanted to do i started work on my new project, this time with more consideration for lighting and placement of camera and such for the best quality possible, i played around with some of the photos below, these are just a few of the pictures i had taken.

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These were just a few of the pictures I had taken for my project, to be used in the triptych I had applied certain filters to see what kind of effect I could get get with each shot. I think the final results were far better and far more creative, then my old project that I had planned to do. Below is my finished triptych project.

Triptych 1


This is the final design for my triptych project, I had chosen the best quality images and edited them in photoshop. I love how this has turned out the contrast of colours work well with each other and it feels vibrant and lively inviting to me. the lighting complements the dark tone of the petals I believe and really makes it vibrant. there’s an array of different angled shots that I believe are quiet well done for my low budget environment, although i think the environment might be over exposed slightly.


In photoshop I had used various tools like selective colour, hue and saturation, brightness and contrast. all these tools helped me to create the image above, by altering the colour of the petals, dimming the back ground, exposing and under exposing the image. I’ve used some of the basic photoshop skills and have applied it to the key areas of this project and it has worked magnificently.


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